Ni Main Jana Jogi De Naal

Makeh gaya gal mukdi naheen
Pawain so so jummay parrh aeeye
Going to Makkah is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of prayers are offered


Ganga gaya gal mukdi naheen
Pawain so so gotey khaeey
Going to River Ganges is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of cleansing (Baptisms) are done


Gaya gaya gal mukdei naheen
Pawain so so pand parrhaeey
Going to Gaya is not the ultimate
Even if hundreds of worships are done


Bulleh Shah gal taeyon mukdi
Jadon May nu dilon gawaeey
Bulleh Shah the ultimate is
When the "I" is removed from the heart


Parrh parrh alam fazal hoya
Kadee apnay aap nu parrhaya ye naeen
(You read to become
all knowledgeable
But you never read yourself)
You read so many books
to know it all,
yet fail to ever read your
heart at all.


Ja ja warrda mandir maseetey
Kadi man apnay which warrya ye naeen
(You run to enter temples and mosques
But you never entered your own heart)
You rush to holy shrines to play a part,
Would you dare enter the shrine of your heart


Aewaien roz shaitan naal larrdaan
Kadee nafs apnay naal larrya ye naeen
(Everyday you fight Satan
But you never fight your own Ego)
You are quick to attack the evil one,
yet pride is a battle you have not won.


Bulleh Shah asmani udeeyan pharrda
Jayrra ghar baitha onu pharrya ye naeen
(Bulleh Shah you try grabbing that which is in the sky
But you never get hold of What sits inside you)
You grab for a star you can control,
yet fail to grasp the light in your soul.


Ratee jagayn tay shaikh sada wayn
Parr raat nu jaagan kutay, tay to utay
Religious scholars stay awake at night
But dogs stay awake at night, higher than you


Ratee bhonkon bass na karday
Fayr ja larraa which sutay, tay to utay
They don't cease from barking at night
Then they go sleep in yards, higher than you


Yaar da buha mool na chhad-dey
Pawain maro so so jutay, tay to utay
They [dogs] don't leave the beloved's doorstep
Even if they're beaten hundreds of times, higher than you


Bulleh Shah utth yaar mana lay
Naien tay bazi lay gaay kutay, tay to utay
Bulleh Shah get up and make up with the beloved
Otherwise dogs will win the contest, better than you


Raanjha chaak na aakho kurryo
Nee aynu chaak kehndee sharmawan
O friends, don't call Ranjha a shepherd
I shy away from calling him a shepherd


May jaee aan lakh heeraan iss nu
Tay may kiss gintee which aawan
I am like a thousand Heers to him
Who am I, like countless others


Takht hazaray da eh malik
Tay may Heer sayal sada waan
He's the ruler of Hazara's throne
And I am forever the plain Heer


Bulleh Shah Rub kook sunay
Tay may chaak dee chaak ho jawan
Bulleh Shah may God hear my wail
And I'll become shepherded by the Shepherd


Raanjha jogi aa ban aya
Aey ney anokha bhayche wataya
Ranjha became a Jogi and arrived
He exchanged into a unique disguise


Ahdo-n Ahmad naam dharaya
Ni Mein Jana Jogi dey Naal
He changed his name from Ahad (One God) to Ahmad (Prophet Mohammad PBUH)
I'm going together with Jogi


Koi kissay day naal koi kissay day naal
May jogi day naal naal
Someone's with someone else, this one's with that one
I'm together with Jogi


Jidoon dee may jogi dee hoyee
May which may na reh gayee koi
Since I have become Jogi's
I have no "I" left in me


Ranjha Ranjha kardee
Nee may aapay Ranjha hoee
Repeating Ranjha Ranjha
I became Ranjha myself


Sadyo nee maynu Peedo Ranjha
Heer na akho koi
Call me Ranjha
Nobody call me Heer


May naheen woh aap hay
Apney aap karay dil joi
It's not me, it's he himself
He amuses his own self


Jiss day naal may neun lagaya
Ohdey wargee hoye sayyon
The one with whom I connected my heart
I became just like him, O friends


Jogi meyrey naal naal
May jogi day naal naal
Nee may jana jogi day naal
Jogi is with me
I am with Jogi
I'm going together with Jogi


Kannee mundaran pa kay
Mathay tilak laga kay
After putting earrings in my ears
and decorating my forehead with Tilak


Nee aye jogi naeen
Koi roop hay Raab da
Hey he's not [a] Jogi
He's some form of God


Bhayce jogee da iss nu phab-da
Iss jogi mayra joorra khassya
He's disguised as Jogi
This Jogi has attracted me


Aye jogi mayray munn which wasya
Such aakhan aye qasmay Quran ay
This Jogi has established residence in my heart
I swear by the Quran it's true


Jogi mayra deen eman ay
Iss jogi maynu keeta rogee
Jogi is my belief and faith
This Jogi has marked me


Nee may iss jogi
Hun hore na jogee
Hey I belong to him
Now I'm not worth any one else (Now there's no other Jogi)


Tarr gaye way may tarr gayee loko
Akh jogi nal larr gaye loko
I'm floating, I've drifted across, O people
My eyes inter-meshed with Jogi's, O people


Maynu jogan jogee dee aakho
Heer salayte mar gaye loko
Call me Jogi's female Jogi
Heer is dead, O people


Khayrray karday koorriyan gallan
Jogi dey mayrrhay may cir tay jhallan
In Khayrray they have deep talks
I have to listen to accusations about


Hore kissay nu kuj na janan
Janan tay jogi nu janan
I don't know anything about anyone else
If I know anything, I only know Jogi


Iss da paya kissay na paya
Iss da hay do jug uttay saya
No one has attained what he has attained
His shadow is on both worlds


Iss diyan dhumman do jug dhummiyan
Iss diyan juttian arsh nay chummian
His fame is celebrated in both world
His shoes were kissed by Heaven


Aye jogi jogi mat wala
Hath which Ill'Allah dee mala
This Jogi is full of wonders
In his hand is the rosary of "There is Nothing But One God"


Nee naam hay iss da kamli wala
Jay jogi ghar away mayray
Hey, his name is [Mohammad] "The One With The Shawl"
If Jogi comes to my home


Muk jawun sub jhagray tayray
Nee may lavan seenay naal
Lakhan shagan mana kay
All your fights will end
I will embrace him
And celebrate a million praises


Bulleh Shah ik jogi aya
Dar saday aynay dhuan paya
Bulleh Shah a Jogi came
To our door….(… ?… )

Aynay lut layee Heer sayal
Aya bhayce wata kay
He stole away Heer of Sayal
He came in a disguise
